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International Travel: Tips For Staying Healthy


Here are some tips to help you stay healthy when you travel to other countries:


        Before you go:

  • Plan ahead, see your doctor at least 6 weeks before you keave.Some vaccines done reach the highest protection until about 6 weeks after you get the shots.

  • Have medical and dental check-ups before your trip, to be aware of problems and to find out about medicinces you might want to take along.

  • Be prepared. Find out what your health insurance will pay for if you see a doctor while you're in another county Carry enough of your regular medicines in their original containers, along with extra perscriptions for them and also eyewear perscriptions. Wear a medical information braceleti needed. Take along a first aid kit


                   While you're taveling:

  • Eat carefully if your going to a counrty with an increased risk of traveler's diarrhea. Streaming-hot, well cooked food is usually safest. Avoid eating foods from street vendors, unpasteurized dairy products, and raw or uncooked seafood.

  • If your going to a country with a risk of malaria, take preventive medicine for malaria as perscribed by your doctor. Remember to start taking your malaria medicine before you leave on your trip, take it during your travels and keep on taking it for four weeks after you get home.

  • Avoid swimming and other water activities in freshwater lakes and streams. Schistosomiasis and bilharzia are diseases you might be exposed to in sime African streams and lakes.

  • If you're going to a county with an increased risk of mosquito-borne disease, protect yourself against insects. Insect repellents that contain deet work the best. Wear permethrin-coated clothing and use bet nets while you sleep.

  • Try to avoid taking overcrowded transportation. Try not to ride in vehicles without safety belts. Wear a helmet if you'll be riding a motorcycle. Try to avoid driving at night or in unfirmiliar areas without local help or directions.











Things to include in a first-aid kit for traveling:

  • Your perscription medicines,in their original containers.

  • Medicine for diarrhea and upset stomach. Talk to your doctor about getting a perscription for and antibiotic you can take in case you get diarrhea. Pack bismuth subsalicylate( brand name: Pepto Bismol), loperamide (brand name: Imodium) and antacids.

  • Cough and cold medicines, pseudoephedrine tablets, cough syrup.

  • Pain medicines auch as acetaminophen (brand name: Tylenol), ibuprofen (brand name: Advil,Motrin,Nuprin) and asprin.

  • Decongestants and antihistamines for allergies. The kinds that dont caugh sleepiness are better when your traveling.

  • Antibiotic ointment,adhesive bandages, hydrocortisone cream,moleskin for blisters,sunscreen with a sun proctection factor (SPF) at least of 15, and lip balm.

  • Medicine for motion sickness, such as dimenhydrinate (brand name: Dramamine), and an antinausea drug like promethazine (brand name: phenergan). Acetazolamine(brand name: Diasmox) may help prevent altitude sickness.

  • Scissors,tweezers,nail clippers, pocket knife, thermometer, and mirror.

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